What is Newborn Screening?
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Newborn screenings save babies, one foot at a time.
For new parents nothing is more exciting than being able to take their brand-new baby. Conversely, nothing is more devastating than learning down the road that your child has a terrible disease that could have been detected before the baby left the hospital. Newborn screening is a very simple procedure that takes only a moment of time – with a simple prick of the heel you may avoid lifelong suffering for your child. If you are the parents of a baby on the way, you’re encouraged to find out all you can about newborn screening.
Save Babies Through Screening, Inc. is a parent-run, nonprofit foundation dedicated to making sure every newborn baby in the United States undergoes comprehensive and effective screening for a variety of diseases that are usually hidden at birth. The Foundation pursues its mission through the education of parents, pediatric healthcare workers, lawmakers, and institutional policymakers. Our educational programs emphasize the importance of newborn screening through comprehensive testing to identify disorders and initiate treatment promptly when necessary. We invite you to explore the site and learn – it could save a baby’s life!